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How to Wash Hey Dudes

The Comprehensive Guide to Washing Hey Dude Shoes: Keeping Comfort Fresh and Clean
Hey Dude shoes have gained immense popularity for their comfort, versatility, and stylish designs. Whether you're a fan of the Wally, the Wendy, or any other Hey Dude model, one thing remains constant – the need for proper care and maintenance. Just like any other pair of shoes, Hey Dudes require regular cleaning to ensure they stay fresh, comfortable, and looking great. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of How to wash Hey Dudes shoes to keep them in top-notch condition.

Understanding Hey Dude Materials:

Hey Dude shoes come in various materials, such as canvas, leather, and knit fabric. It's crucial to identify the material of your Hey Dudes before diving into the cleaning process, as different materials may require specific care. Most Hey Dudes are machine washable, but some may need more delicate handling.


Before you begin washing your Hey Dudes, gather the necessary materials and prepare a suitable workspace. Here's what you'll need:

Mild detergent: Use a gentle, preferably eco-friendly detergent to avoid damaging the material.
Soft brush or sponge: A soft brush or sponge will help remove dirt and stains without causing abrasion.

Towels or newspapers: Stuff your Hey Dudes with towels or newspapers to help them maintain their shape while drying.

Mesh laundry bag: If you're using a washing machine, place your Hey Dudes in a mesh laundry bag to protect them from potential damage.

Cold water: Stick to cold water to prevent color fading and material damage.

Air dry: Avoid using a dryer, as excessive heat can deform the shoe and damage adhesives.

Now, let's dive into the detailed steps for washing Hey Dude shoes based on their material:

Canvas Hey Dudes:

Canvas Hey Dudes are known for their breathability and casual style. Follow these steps to clean them effectively:

Remove insoles and laces: Take out the insoles and laces from your Hey Dudes. This step will ensure a more thorough cleaning and prevent any damage to these components.

Brush off loose dirt: Use a soft brush or sponge to gently remove any loose dirt or debris from the surface of the shoes.

Hand wash or machine wash: For hand washing, fill a basin with cold water and add a small amount of mild detergent. Dip a soft brush or sponge into the soapy water and scrub the shoes gently. Rinse with cold water.

If you prefer using a washing machine, place your Hey Dudes in a mesh laundry bag and wash them on a gentle cycle with cold water and a small amount of detergent.

Air dry: Allow your Hey Dudes to air dry naturally. Stuff them with towels or newspapers to help maintain their shape during the drying process.

Leather Hey Dudes:

Leather Hey Dudes require a more delicate approach to prevent damage. Follow these steps to clean them without compromising their quality:

Remove insoles and laces: Just like with canvas shoes, take out the insoles and laces to ensure a thorough cleaning.

Wipe with a damp cloth: Dampen a soft cloth with cold water and wipe the surface of the leather shoes. Avoid using excessive water, as leather can warp when soaked.

Apply a mild detergent solution: Mix a small amount of mild detergent with cold water to create a soapy solution. Dab a soft cloth into the solution and gently scrub any stains or dirty areas.

Rinse with a clean, damp cloth: Wipe away the detergent residue with a clean, damp cloth. Ensure that no soap remains on the leather.

Air dry: Allow your leather Hey Dudes to air dry naturally. Never use direct heat sources like hairdryers, as they can damage the leather.

Knit Fabric Hey Dudes:

Knit fabric Hey Dudes offer a unique blend of comfort and style. Cleaning them requires a bit of extra care to maintain their intricate design. Here's what you should do:

Remove insoles and laces: As always, start by taking out the insoles and laces to facilitate a thorough cleaning.

Hand wash with care: Fill a basin with cold water and add a small amount of mild detergent. Gently immerse your knit fabric Hey Dudes in the soapy water and use a soft brush or sponge to clean them. Pay special attention to any stained or dirty areas.

Rinse thoroughly: Rinse the shoes thoroughly with cold water to remove any soap residue. Be gentle to avoid stretching or distorting the knit fabric.

Air dry: Allow your knit fabric Hey Dudes to air dry naturally. To help them maintain their shape, stuff them with towels or newspapers during the drying process.

General Tips for Washing Hey Dude Shoes:

Regular cleaning: Make shoe cleaning a regular part of your routine to prevent dirt and stains from accumulating.
Avoid heat sources: Never expose Hey Dudes to direct heat sources, such as radiators or hairdryers, as this can damage the materials and adhesives.

Store properly: Keep your Hey Dudes in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Use protective sprays: Consider using a water and stain repellent spray to protect your Hey Dudes from the elements.


Properly caring for your Hey Dude shoes is essential to ensure their longevity and keep them looking and feeling as good as new. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can confidently wash your Hey Dudes, whether they are made of canvas, leather, or knit fabric. Remember to choose the appropriate cleaning method based on the material, and always prioritize gentle cleaning techniques to maintain the integrity of your beloved Hey Dudes. With regular care, your Hey Dudes will continue to provide the comfort and style that makes them a favorite among shoe enthusiasts.
How to Wash Hey Dudes

How to Wash Hey Dudes
